Sunday, December 11, 2011

Baby Myra

Our ultrasound was on Thursday and we learned we are having a baby girl. We also got a few pictures of our baby girl. Here are my two favorites.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Baby Stuff

Ok, here are a couple of pics. I couldn't get a decent belly pic because it was too dark by my mirror and the flash didn't work with the mirror, so I have to wait for Kevin to get home so he can take it. But I did take pictures of some baby stuff I have made.

I found this fabric a while ago so I made a blanket out of it. I love the cute little animals!

I had some fabric left over after the blanket so I bought some terricloth and made some little burp clothes with it. (It was too cute to waste.)

Then I found this cute pattern for baby shoes made out of felt. I loved the vintage-ey feel of them. I decided I will add some sort of embelishment when I find out if it's a boy or girl.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Let me sew, let me sew, let me sew

I've been sewing a lot lately so I thought I'd post about it all.

The first thing I sewed was a super cute black and white polka dot dress. But I haven't gotten around to making the belt so no pictures yet.

After the super cute dress I made a fantastic purse for my sister for her birthday. I'm rather proud of it.


The buttons weren't for the purse but I found them at the store when I was buying fabric. I fell in love, and had to buy them. I'll use them for a fabulous project later on for sure.

Cutting, Pinning, and Sewing:

The finished project:




All in all I call it a success. I hope my sister loves having as much as I loved making it!

Stay tuned for a new dress next.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Funny Exchange At Work

Coworker: "Misti Dawn!"
Me: "Yes?"
Coworker: "Hi"
Me: "Hey, how's it going?"
Coworker: "Oh, it gets a little better every day."
Me: "What?! It seems to be getting worse every day for me! What's your secret?"
Coworker: "Alcohol."

Monday, August 16, 2010

Living Room Re-Decorate Phase 1 and 2 and Possibly 3

A few weeks ago my living room really started bothering me. I felt like we had too much furniture and everything was too dark. So I am in the process of fixing it up to my liking!
Phases 1 and 2 (I think) were to exchange the bedroom and living room pictures and de-clutter the book shelves.

Phase 3 was to cutefy the couch pillows. Here's what I mean.

Nasty. Dirty. Ugly.
Plus they don't match the pictures.


Super cute. Bright. Cheery.
And they do match the pictures.

Plus I made them with zippers so if they get dirty I can take out the insides and throw them in the washer. (It was not because I'm too lazy to topstich.)
Phase 4 is curtains to match, which I should get to making. Especially since work starts in two days.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For

I'm writing a new post!! Or maybe you've been waiting for pictures from our vacation. I'm too lazy to go into details right now, but here are a few teaser pictures for you.

The Dome of the Rock
Bones in a tomb.
Kevin in an aquaduct.
Ancient ruins.
The pyramids of Giza.
Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Now that I've got you thirsting for more, you will check back with unrestrained anticipation. (I promise I will post more soon.)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

T-Minus 8 Days and Counting

... And wedding ring-Check.

Kevin and I just picked it up from Zales. It is sparkley.